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M3.5 SEMS Machine Screws

SEMS® Machine Screws are machine screws with pre-assembled captive washers, designed to speed total assembly time in a manufacturing process.

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Buy SEMS Machine Screws from one of our FCH Network Members
CenturyFLSems Machine ScrewSteelPlainM3.5 x 6m3.5 x 6 ph pan w/ext sems stl zi 250000
JHP FastenersTXSems Machine Screw300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM3.5 x 8.0screw square cone sems m3.5x8.0 pan head/torx 18-8 304 steel400
MTPCASems Machine ScrewClass 4.8Zinc/ClearM3.5 x 10m3.5 x 10 sems cl 4.8 stl zn phil pan hd machine screws w/square cone washersstock
QFCTXSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3.5-0.60 x 10M3.5-.6x10 pan phil sq cone sems zinc500
QFCTXSems Machine ScrewSteelZinc/ClearM3.5-0.60 x 8M3.5-.6x8 pan phil sq cone sems zinc500

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