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#10 Tap Bolts

Fully Threaded Hex Tap Bolts are fully threaded hex machine bolts regardless of their diameter. The dimensional specifications for hex tap bolts are covered by ASME B18.2.1 Standard.

8 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Tap Bolts from one of our FCH Network Members
CenturyFLHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelPlain#10-24 x 3/810-24 x 3/8 sl ind hx-wa hd tapt (STEEL ZI & YEL) (STEEL ZI & YEL) 150
CenturyFLHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelPlain#10-32 x 3/410-32 x 3/4 sl ind hx-wa hd tapt (STEEL ZINC ROHS CLEAR) (STEEL ZINC ROHS CLEAR) 800
Raw ProduNJHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelPlain#10plain clamps drilled and tapped w/square head bolt 10 904-a200
AmericanNYHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelZinc/Clear#10-32 x 5/8hex t/b zp500
SJS ProdCAHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)Plain#10-32 x 3/410-32 x 3/4 hex/hd tap bolt ss rohs
TrifastTXHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelZinc/Clear#10-32 x 3/810-32 x3/8 hex ind hd steel tritap rohs zinc clr baked995
SRFALHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelPlain#10 x 3/4hex taper point t/s 5/16 head-
CNBILHex Tap Bolt (Fully Threaded)SteelGalvanized#10-24 x 1/2hex t/b hot dip80

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