Machine Keys
Machine Keys, or Straight keys are made from hardened rod with a machined square or rectangular cross section, and are the most common type of key. They are installed into keyways to transmit torque from shafts to gears and other components. They are called “keys” because they lock a component to the shaft by means of a corresponding keyway in a shaft.
Machine Keys Diameters
Machine Keys are available on the FCH Network with Imperial/US diameters that range from #1 to 6 and with Metric diameters that range from M2 to M70.
Machine Keys Lengths
Machine Keys are available on the FCH Network with lengths that range from 1/8 to 16.
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Machine Keys Materials
Machine Keys are available on the FCH Network in materials that range from Steel to Silicon Bronze
Machine Keys Finishes
Machine Keys are available on the FCH Network in finishes or coatings that range from Plain to Passivated