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5/8 Reamers Bits

The primary purpose of reaming is simply to create smooth walls in an existing hole. Reamers remove significantly less material than drill bits. The reamer Bit is the small tool that fits into the chuck of the reamer such that it acts as a rotary cutting tool. Precision reamers are designed to enlarge the size of a previously formed hole by a small amount but with a high degree of accuracy to leave smooth sides.

7 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Reamers Bits from one of our FCH Network Members
AbabaCAReamer Bits5/85/8 dia straight shank car reamer 1/2 shank2
B & K FASTPAReamer Bits5/85/8 car/construction reamer1
Valley NuWAReamer Bits5/8spiral flute rs tprd reamer1
NutsBoltsNEReamer Bits5/85/8 high spiral reamer2
QFCTXReamer Bits5/85/8 bridge reamer2
WurthINReamer Bits5/85/8 str shank maintenance reamer17
HBBOLTCAReamer BitsSteel10 5/810 (5/8) taper pin reamer str flute1

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