FCH News

M10 Channel Nuts

Channel Nuts are used in strut systems and are slid into the strut channels, the channel itself stopping the nut from rotating as a screw is tightened into it. Channel nuts may sometimes have an attached spring, and allow contractors to securely place a fitting, junction box, electrical panel, or pipe clamp in a precise location along the entire length of a channel.

3 results, (click on any line for more information)

Buy Channel Nuts from one of our FCH Network Members
TrifastTXChannel Nut316, 317, A4 StainlessPlainM10m10 316ss channel nut w/spring plain self finish8
CenturyFLChannel Nut300 Stainless (A1,A2, 18-8,304,310 etc.)PlainM10-1.504197s2-m10-1.5 spring channel nut m10-1.5 spring channel nut-bms-10s-sst68
CenturyFLChannel NutSteelPlainM10b line bms10m m10 channel nut 4197145

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